Southbank Centre Declares Climate and Ecological Emergency

Together We Act Cultural Assembly at the South Bank Centre September 2023

On 20th November, Southbank Centre officially declare a climate and ecological emergency.

It has been just over a year since Together We Act, the Cultural Assembly held with London’s Southbank Centre to explore the organisation’s response to the climate and ecological emergency. It was a day of sharing challenges, provocations, and hopes – listening to what is needed and imagining our future together. A huge thank you to all who attended the event – your input has been pivotal in this journey.

Tonight, Southbank Centre will officially declare a climate and ecological emergency at the Cultural Philanthropy Foundation’s annual Thought Leadership Lecture, Another World Is Possible, by Caroline Lucas. The declaration is accompanied by the establishment of the Southbank Centre as a Culture and Climate Hub for Lambeth and Southwark: a provision of space twice a year, free of charge, to artists, activists and community organisations based in Lambeth and Southwark, so that they can come together, organise and lead on climate action, devised and delivered in collaboration with Culture Declares Emergency.
We’re excited to support this journey and see the many possibilities that it will unfold.
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