Culture Takes Action: Tools for an Emergency Response
What do you do after declaring a climate and ecological emergency to make a difference?

About the toolkit
This toolkit is aimed at practitioners and organisations in the arts, heritage and design sectors. Whether you have declared an emergency, or are considering it, we invite you to work through the stages of this toolkit packed with transformative and holistic inspiration to guide your pathway to action.
Your action plan can express your role in helping the survival of biodiverse and human life on this troubled planet. It can also help the survival of your practice or organisation as the impacts of the emergency are felt. A truthful look at the emergency can make you question and change your current mission and mode of working.
At the heart of this toolkit is the new Blueprint for Change based on three pillars:
- Truth-telling: Reflect on your responsibility, and then face, understand and communicate the gravity and urgency of the emergency.
- Care-taking: Anticipate and prepare for the impacts on your work and on your communities, aiming to be more resilient and adaptive.
- Change-making: Develop policies and plans to limit and stop harm, directly in your practice and working systemically towards a regenerative future.

Using the toolkit
This toolkit takes you through a three-stage process to develop a policy and action plan in response to the emergency, that is effective, responsible and appropriate to its urgency and severity. As you work through each stage, we invite you to click on the sections to find tasks, resources and inspiration to support you on your journey.
You can find a supportive community for these tasks in Culture Declares, and in allied groups.
We are all working in a complex and challenging situation, and some have less capacity than others. You might feel the need for expert facilitation to support this process. We offer online or in-person workshops using these tools. Get in touch with us on