Lady Kitt

Lady Kitt. Alt Text: Colour photo, interior. Kitt, white haven headed human with a big smile wears a headdress made of huge multi coloured flowers and a black long sleeved shirt on which white and orange text reads “queer crip craft power”.

Social Art, Drag and Research: Mess Making As Social Glue, Happiness, Shrines and Mischief.


Shared pledge created by Lady Kitt and Sarah Li

What we promise to do:

• keep talking: about how to reduce our negative impact on the environment and increase the positive impact. Have an environmental check-in as part of our regular weekly meetings.
• Tell the truth and call on others to do the same- especially those in positions of power.
• continue to learn/unlearn: recognising environmental issues impact some communities more than others. Create and share resources about our own actions and inactions (inviting shared learning about how to overcome barriers)
• communicate with others: through our environmental policy, our related art work and inviting collaborators and commissioners to share their own ideas, practices and skill
• We will hold ourselves accountable and hold our local and national policy makers accountable, encouraging them to actively make and protect policies that are environmentally just and responsible.

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