CultureCOP International Assembly, October 31st 2022
Culture Declares is partnering with CULTURECOP to bring together those creating, producing and supporting arts and culture in response to this time of Planetary crisis.
Mon, October 31, 2022, 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM GMT

‘If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go further, go together ‘ (African proverb)
Throughout time arts and culture have been at the heart of our worlds, connecting us and giving expression and voice to our experiences. They have the power to transform, heal and activate us. They help us look at the past, acknowledge the present and use our imaginations to vision for the future. What we dream, feel, see, and how act towards each other and the natural world are defined by culture.
In this time of ecological and social crisis, so much has already been lost at the hands of extractive, colonisation, consumerism, and a single story of progress. How can the lived experience and creative responses of those marginalised or on the frontlines, such as indigenous peoples and those in the Global South, be more centred?
Many parts of the arts, cultural and heritage industries are still complicit in causing harm. How can they break with business as usual and make radical and systemic changes to help create a more climate-just and safe world for all?
Culture is embedded into the very fabric of our lives and shapes the shared values that guide our actions. The multiple crises is an opportunity to dream a different story and co-create a more interconnected and just future together. Arts and culture across the Earth have a vital role to play in this transformative journey.
Join us on October 31st for the first CultureCOP International Assembly online
Bring your openness and wisdom, your experience and care, and your curiosity and willingness to listen.
The purpose of this Online Assembly is to:
- Talk about the challenges of relinquishing harmful arts and cultural practices and the opportunities of embracing regenerative approaches to create a local and global transformation that brings reparations for injustice and thriving humanity and planet.
- Ask ourselves what we can learn from the role of arts and culture in past COPs, and how to manifest that in the present and future COPs to support, challenge, and deepen the possibility of a more climate-just and safe world for all.
– Meet and connect with other creatives, artists, and activists and explore building a global coalition of arts and culture embedded in justice and resourced by equitable relationships.
Please note – This is not a drop-in event it will be participatory and emergent. Your full attention, presence and contribution will be a gift for now and in the future.
Elements of this online assembly will be fed directly into in-person CultureCOP happening in Dahab and its related events at COP27 in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt.
CultureCOP is a collaboration between Culture Declares Emergency, Community Arts Network, Community Arts Lab, Project Everyone, Earthrise, Minga Indigena, Medicine Festival, CJ-JT Donor Collaborative, Walking Forest, Julie’s Bicycle, Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement, Seyal Desert Hub, Doc Society, Cairo Jazz Club, Dar House of Arts & Culture, Eco Dahab, Porticus Foundation.
Culture COP is an emerging space that stands firm in the belief in the power of culture to transform and heal our planet and humanity. Culture COP calls on the world’s arts and culture makers to work together to co-create solutions for a just future where every living being thrives, and humanity lives in harmony with the environment.