Notes from Declarers Breakfast, 28th September 2022
This was a lively and well-attended Breakfast, intended as a brief exploration into the ways that we can each be active in our Declarations. Thank you to all those who came along and to Bridget McKenzie of the Climate Museum UK for presenting her work and leading our discussions.
Breakfast sessions will delve more deeply into each action pathway in 2023. You can register for our next Breakfast on Wednesday 30th November, 9-10.30, HERE. Below you will find:
- The Culture Takes Action doughnut
- What Do We Do Now? Discussion notes and chat
- Useful CDE links: social media; Basecamp; volunteering; etc.
- What Do We Do Now? Participant list and links
Full details of the eight pathways to action are available HERE on the CDE website.
We broke into small groups to briefly discuss our thoughts on each pathway – available to see more clearly on this Jamboard
- Jo: Cultural equity and joy have been added into the doughnut by different communities
- Nicky: Can transition towns help with local hubs/groups?
- Jo: I’d love to look at growth economics and where in the arts we get our funding from?
- Cath: Pippa, would be to hear more about why local is important
- Pippa: Why local? Because it connects us to a bioregion and the endangered nature environment, it disrupts globalisation hierarchies of privilege, and when disaster strikes there is evidence that strong local communities fare much better, Reimagining national and international from a local position.
- Jo: I wonder if we can have a session looking at that sometime… it’s an ‘elephant in the room’ I think in the arts…
- Pippa: @Jo – Would you like to work together on leading a session on this?
- Nicky: yes @pippa – localism is the only option for most people, although urbanisation has had a massive impact on connection to our biosphere all round the world
- The Rapid Transition Alliance is running an open online exhibition for art students and recent grads to show at COP27 in November Deadline for submissions is 30/10/22. Information at COP_Art27
- Bridget: Please share any stories of what you’re doing in these pathways using the hashtag #CultureTakesAction
- Victoria: Please use my email if you have thoughts and questions or would like to connect on Basecamp.
Useful CDE Info And Links
Email contacts
Victoria Burns, CDE’s part time National Coordinator at:
Zahrah Vawda Digital Comms Manager and Social media amplification: (see below for more details)
CDE Basecamp
- Basecamp is the networking place for CDE- where conversations happen, and documents are shared and stored for different projects, working groups etc. Contact Victoria for your access code.
CDE NEEDS YOU! Get involved at the heart of our organisation as a volunteer
- Becoming a member of one of our Working Groups is a great way to meet other Declarers and to share your existing skills or to develop new ones. Working Groups currently consist of Declarer Support, Actions & Events, Alliance Building, Regional & International Hubs and Finance & Fundraising. ContactVictoria to find out more.
- Please let Victoria know if you can offer your time and expertise more generally to CDE.
CDE Hubs
- CDE hubs connect up local Declarers. Find out what’s happening near you HERE.
- Local hubs are all in different stages of development and formed according to those involved- If there is nothing local to you perhaps you might be interested in starting something up. Contact Victoria for more info:
- The Hubs working group has created a Community of Practice guidance for establishing a local hub HERE.
CDE Social media: Youtube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
- We are always looking for stories to share on our social media channels from the CDE community and beyond. It might be an inspiring project, your Declaration journey, a positive organisational change, a new creative collaboration, an upcoming campaign or anything else that responds to the Climate and Ecological crisis.
- Use our #CultureTakesAction hashtag across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so CDE can repost.
- Shine the Declarers Spotlight on your work to encourage others to declare and take action and to show the contribution made by the cultural sector. Fill in your details to let CDE amplify your story HERE.
- If you’d like to publicise an event, show etc. please email details to Zahrah, CDE’s part-time social media coordinator, ideally over a week in advance so that she can plan it in accordingly. Include: a photo/ visual or website link (with any credits), key dates/ times, a short blurb/ copy, and any social media handles to tag.
What Do We Do Now? Participants (names in bold link to CDE declaration profiles)
- Hannah Metcalfe: Mint Street Music Festival, South London
- Bridget McKenzie: Culture Declares East, and Climate Museum UK
- Kathy: from Worthing XR: Art and Makers group
- Jo Willis: creative director Shallal Cornwall an arts charity celebrating diversity, ability and community
- Linda France: poet – Climate Writer in Residence with New Writing North and Newcastle University
- Nicky Saunter: from Art of Rapid Transition group in the Rapid Transition Alliance. Also local XR group and occasional drummer.
- Pippa Bailey: she/her, I am on unceded Wangal Land in Sydney, Australia. Coordinator of Regional and International Hubs at CDE and convener of Cultural Gardeners – Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action – a CDE declarer.
- Diana Scarborough: artist and brand new declarer… based in Cambridge
- Lady Kitt: they/them, based in Newcastle. social/ sociable sculptor & co-lead with Social Art Network interested in disability access in culture & activism
- Polly Gifford: Hastings; Freelance project manager, CDE Fundraising and Declarer Support working groups and CDE SE Coast Hub
- Gaby Solly: Bristol. CDE Declarer Support Working Group. Multi-disciplinary artist. Interested in helping to convene a hub in Bristol area/ Avon bioregion.
- Agata Nowak: artist working with clay
- Jill Howitt: Hull. I co-run an arts magazine called The Critical Fish
- and others…