Growing A Hub

Community of Practice: Peer Peer Learning sessions are open to all.
The Pitch
Are you interested in doing more to address Climate Crisis in your community?
Join like-minded people from different parts of the UK and the world, all wanting to see more creative climate action in their places. Over three sessions of peer-to-peer learning, get some inspiration and share practical ideas about how to take action – see below for course details.
*The next peer-to-peer series will be in the UK autumn. Starting on Saturday 10 September at 3 pm BST. Then Saturday 8 October and Saturday 5 November. 90 min sessions to share and learn*
Update from the first peer-to-peer learning group
The first peer-to-peer learning group is underway and consists of participants from the UK, Portugal, France and Australia. So far, the group has shared impressions of our different contexts, reflected on the big and small changes in the natural environment and explored what local means. We set ourselves challenges between meetings so we can give feedback to each other to accelerate our purpose and actions. This is a partnership between CDE and the Cultural Gardeners – Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action. Find out more here:
Who is it for?
Artists, cultural workers and community members have declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency.
Declarers wanting to join with others to explore how to deepen their work locally and accelerate Climate Action through culture. This is for individuals, collectives, and representatives from organisations. You might be at the beginning of your journey or experienced and wanting to connect with others—all welcome.
What is the commitment?
Three meetings (90mins) and approx 30mins prep for each session. You must commit to all sessions as a responsibility to the group.
- Getting to know each other and our contexts
- The role of culture in the climate emergency
- Exploring what a local hub could be/do in your place
- Intro to CDE structures and how this hub work fits into an ongoing strategy
- Setting goals and actions
- Reflections on actions
- The 200year present – the role of imagination in generating hope
- What is getting in the way of change and more action on climate?
Systemic challenges for the cultural sector as a microcosm for wider society (provocation and discussion to include power imbalances, economic disadvantage, privilege and purpose)
- Best practice – case studies
- Sustaining the hub – what do we need to go on?
- Joining the CDE hubs group
- Reflections and feedback
Facilitated by Pippa Bailey
Pippa is an experienced arts worker with a passion for Climate Justice. She has been involved with CDE since May 2020 and is a convener of the Cultural Gardeners – Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action. More about Pippa