In Between Time


In Between Time brings people together around radical art and ideas to encourage new ways to think about the world and ourselves.

We used to feel that art’s job was to tell us things we would not otherwise hear. But this doesn’t feel enough anymore. The Arts needs to get its own house in order.

To change who makes art, how we produce and distribute it, who experiences it and who is responsible for deciding what it is and is not.

In the producing of art we look out at the world. A world we have brought to the edge of Climate Emergency. We need to take responsibility for our role, to own it and change it. Otherwise why make art at all?

At the heart of In Between Time lies a series of pledges:
To change whose bodies are seen, whose voices are heard.
To travel less, spend longer, work deeper.
To work with exceptional artists and challenging ideas.
To welcome, listen and learn from hundreds of Bristolians.
To build a better future.


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