Highly Sprung Performance Company


The Climate and Ecological Emergency endangers our ability to deliver our mission, making work for and with children and young people, in the community and schools and making and touring performance work for the public. Our work explores and constructs stories inspired by humanity, and the complex world. The Climate Emergency is the most pervasive threat to our work, we seek to inspire better futures for young people, a pursuit made impossibly difficult where little change is being seen in tackling the emergency.

The following statements highlight the impacts of the Emergency that affect the future of the young people we work with and emphasise our decision to declare emergency:

• We have 12 years to make urgent and unprecedented changes. *
• We want people who are under the age of 20 to live a full life, we must stop burning fossil fuels now.
• We agree that to preserve a livable planet, humanity must act immediately. Failure to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will make the extraordinary heat, storms, wildfires, and ice melt of 2020 routine and could “render a significant portion of the Earth uninhabitable.” *

* October 2018, International Panel on Climate Change
* January 2021, United Nations Survey


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