Holding Earth: Call For Contributions

Can YOU help tell our story?
Make a public Declaration in support of our Earth.
Share your practice and how you work to make a better world.
Speak from the heart about what it means to be part of our movement.
Culture Declares Emergency are inviting you – individuals and organisations – to come together to deepen existing connections and develop new ones, as we strengthen and mobilise our diverse, global movement for change.
To coincide with the 5th anniversary of Culture Declares, we invite you to contribute to a new catalogue of short films focussed on CDE’s collective cultural change-making, to be released in the New Year.
The working title for this story-telling project is holding earth: we invite you, Declarers, to take some earth into your hands as you are filmed, cultivating visceral connections with each other and our precious planet as we speak through your contribution.

Details For Contributions:
holding earth will communicate CDE’s reason for being, voiced by Declarers in their own words.
- You are invited to film yourself reading out our revitalised Declaration statement and responding to three provocations about your declaration journey. You can use a smartphone, tablet or a digital camera – find the full guidance on filming here.
- A collection of talking heads will be cut with footage of creative practice and community action to make a short film, which, alongside individuals’ contributions, will be promoted across our communication channels and shared with potential funders and other supporters*. We want our stories to engage deeply and meaningfully with the world, helping to strengthen and mobilise our global movement for change.
Whether or not you send in your own recording, please also consider donating footage of you or your organisation’s work to feature in our short film. Click here for details of how to upload all your footage.
It is essential that holding earth represents the wide diversity of people and practices within Culture Declares Emergency, our different motivations for Declaring and our visions for a future world. You are invited to take part, regardless of your previous experience or public profile – our movement requires us all and must reflect this reality.
- We are here to help support you to make this project happen – please get in touch with Victoria, CDE’s coordinator, with any questions or concerns, or if you need further assistance to get involved.
- If you would like to be part of this work and have not yet Declared, you can sign up here.
Deadline extended! Submit your contribution by Monday 8th January 2024.
Culture Declares Emergency is concerned about the dramatic carbon footprint of video-sharing and the use of social media; consequently, we need to ensure that the film we are making really counts and that we are mindful of how it is distributed. In the spirit of learning together, CDE wants to use this opportunity for advocacy about the seemingly ‘invisible’ impacts of data sharing and storage. Here are some links with more information on the subject: