East of England Cultural Assembly
Culture Declares East plans to hold two assemblies in the Summer, one in Norwich and one in Great Yarmouth. The theme is Growth, Degrowth, Regrowth: What can we do to grow a thriving economy and planet without the harms of a growth-based economy?
We will be inviting people from across fields of arts, social care, health and business. Arts-based approaches will open up imagination and discussion, and give insights into the value of culture for regenerative communities. It will aim to bridge the perceived divide between social and environmental justice, while being sensitive to worsening disadvantages for local people.
After a warm-up activity with shoe boxes to transform a ‘ladder of progress’ into a Doughnut, we will use animations to introduce the concept of Degrowth and the harms of Growth-based economics. Participants will then rotate around three zones:
- Museum of Degrowth – playing with objects and resources from Climate Museum UK to create stories of Degrowth
- Wild Economy – materials to invite shoebox visions of an economy run by animals and plants, for benefit of all
- Planting seeds – literally planting a seed, to take away to plant with others, labelled with an idea for social Regrowth
The assembly will close with pooling and deciding on ideas for Regrowth that we could take forward together across our sectors. We will also include displays or publicity from the work of artist groups such as Groundwork Gallery, Under Open Sky, Edible East and Precious Plastic East.
Dates TBC. Interested in joining this action? Contact culturedeclareseast@gmail.com