Verity Healey


I work as a theatre journalist looking in particular at human rights and participation, I will soon be a drama facilitator with a theatre and am an emerging theatre practitioner–what I write about or talk about must address climate breakdown, this crisis–because it encompasses everything–every inequality ever in existence in the world– including animal rights–including the earth's rights. We can go on just making the same work, writing the same stuff as if none of this is happening.. as if what we write about, how we make stuff and what out of and who with is not somehow a product of a capitalist abusive society anyway. But if I am thinking and feeling and seeing properly then climate breakdown must be something I address in my work and somehow find ways to get others to as well. And I feel that in order for me to have some sort of agency, I have to take some sort of action, to stop feeling despair and to find hope.


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