Magic Me


About us
Magic Me is an arts charity that brings the generations together to build a stronger, safer community.
Our projects often link unlikely partners. Young people aged 8+ and adults aged 60+ team up through shared, creative activity. Intergenerational groups meet on a weekly basis in schools, museums, older peoples clubs, care homes, community and cultural organisations.
Projects are led by our team of freelance creative artists: musicians, dancers, photographers, printmakers, writers and drama specialists. They design activities to stimulate conversation and an exchange of ideas. Participants are often diverse in culture and faith as well as age group. Our annual programme combines tried and tested models with trialling new ideas and projects.

Our mission
We believe passionately in the role creativity can play in building community cohesion, connecting people, generating resilience in individuals and communities. Our work is also driven by an urge to support the wellbeing of future generations through connecting people today. We have always tried to act with responsibility for our local and planetary environment and now wish to embed this action in a charity-wide policy designed to influence all our actions and strategic decision-making.

We know there is a climate crisis. Global warming, the decline of bio-diversity, increasing levels of pollution and depletion of natural resources are affecting everyone on the planet. This impact is acutely felt in inner city London where we are based and where much of our work takes place, however the impact is nationwide. Older people are vulnerable to increasing air pollution and fuel poverty, younger generations will face the consequences of a lack of action on climate change for years to come. Climate change the world over will dramatically affect the changing population of London as climate refugees are driven to the city by environmental change across the globe.

Our work across generations and with creativity at its heart is already environmentally responsible. We now want to increase our ambition, halving our carbon emissions by 2021 and introducing new measures to ensure that the company is carbon neutral by 2025.


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