Greg Patch


working with charcoal on stones along over 1750 miles of rivers and creeks with over 550 marked sites with Earth from 7/27/16 so far… with being with alignment and with the energies I sense with the place and space, the time of day and the seasons as continuum... these moments of drawing express marks of our collective connection with our universal matrix, or fractal... using charcoal speaks with my consideration that before I make a mark to do no harm and with action with accord... I use charcoal from fires local to each site... charcoal is elemental with all life and is a filtering and cleansing substance... as that I see my use with it as healing with homeopathic perspective applications and as symbolic energetically... it disperses with rain, rivers, water, etc. transferring into and conjoining with the broader Waters connecting with other rivers, the Atlantic Ocean and eventually are absorbed with Earth, Air and the other elements...


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