Custom Folkestone C.I.C. (Custom Food Lab)


Custom Folkestone C.I.C. (now operating as Custom Food Lab) is a hub for knowledge exchange, artistic exploration and research about food and food production systems. To date, Custom has primarily operated as a restaurant from a venue on Folkestone's Harbour Arm supporting a range of community activities (including our own community garden, the Locavore Garden, and time banking initiative Folkeshare), alongside a highly successful A.C.E. funded artistic programme. In 2020, we are refining our practice and moving forward with a clearer direction, focusing on the role of food in developing sustainable communities and landscapes.
When the pandemic has passed we will begin to take our work out into the wider community, creating events on sites of production, allying our work with radical and thoughtful food producers and allowing us to really explore cycles of growth, consumption and waste and their relation to changing climate realities.


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