Blake Baron Ray

20+ yrs Producing & Series Editing primetime TV across all non-scripted genres incl. a couple of BAFTA-winning series (as Edit Prod.) In 2018 I instigated the ubiquitous circular white-on-black Extinction Rebellion sticker campaign + 'Lumolite' and 'Warrior Fade' social media frames. In was also a member of the original XR Solutions/Research group, contributing under the name, 'Ray'.


Nothing is as important as protecting the future of life on Earth from the errors and vices of the present. As long as industrialised societies continue destroying precious habitats, indigenous communities and hundreds of entire species daily there can be no rest for anyone seeking a holistic solution to the existential threat encapsulated by a notion of 'progress' based on capitalist consumerism, unlimited self-interest and disposable, extractivist technologies.

It seems to me that defunding ecocide and reprogramming mainstream culture are as essential to a rational, reparative, 'dark green', revolution as the principle of enduring NVDA. This is a declaration of my commitment to those ends.


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