Anima Mundi



“The development of Western philosophy during the last two centuries has succeeded in isolating the mind in its own sphere and in severing it from its primordial oneness with the universe. Man himself has ceased to be the microcosm and eidolon of the cosmos, and his “anima” is no longer the consubstantial scintilla, spark of the Anima Mundi"

Carl Jung

I am often asked why we are located here at the end of a peninsula at the far end of the land, and how can we survive so far from the apparent centre? I don't think I’m alone in searching for a moments peace from the frenzied pulse of 21st century civilisation, and wondering why we, and our society have become ever disconnected from our natural surroundings and arguably in turn our inner selves.

If we are a part of a greater whole, how can disconnection create anything other than crisis? Effects of which can be witnessed far and wide. Here (for me) those concerns quieten just a little, the inner beat quickens and the drum beats differently, but nowhere is immune to change. We are human after all.

I still believe, despite a confused state of affairs, that art, when unguarded, offers the potential to join up the dots of why we are here, where we have been and where we might be going as well as cast a valuable light on the dichotomy of any disconnect. It still offers us an incomparable and honest insight in to the human condition and our place in the world and who knows, beyond that, the universe.

Joseph Clarke, Gallery Director


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