CDE Wharfedale and Airedale

CDE Wharfedale and Airedale coordinate the proliferation of emerging hubs in Yorkshire, including Hull, Kirklees and Scarborough.

Photo credit: Esther Abramson

We are an emerging network of diverse cultural actors from Ilkley, Wharfedale, Airedale and surrounding areas of West Yorkshire. We collaborate to take action in response to the climate and ecological emergency.

We acknowledge the climate and ecological emergency as an all-encompassing challenge. We embrace the role the cultural sector plays in reflecting and challenging the values and attitudes of our community in the face of this challenge.  

We hope to engage people creatively and emotionally in telling the truth about the climate and ecological emergency. We will take action in collaboration with others seeking justice in a better future. We want to contribute to a cultural shift in behaviour, perspectives and approach to the emergencies we collectively face and the ways we live together on this planet. 

We welcome people from all dimensions of culture to join us in co-creating this local hub so that we can learn together, pool resources and engage imaginatively with these challenges.

How to join

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Follow us on Instagram @CDEIlkley

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